At this point in an actual order your credit card information would be requested. If your billing address is different from the shipping address that would be entered at this time. All transaction information is passed via secure encrypted server to insure the maximum possible protection for your online transaction.
Upon confirmation your order is automatically generated and sent to us at Laurendale for shipping directly to you at the address you provided.
It's that easy! Getting great music from Laurendale shipped directly to you using our new Online Ordering System is as simple as clicking on your choices and telling us where you'd like them sent.
We hope this small demonstration has helped you become more familiar with our Online Ordering System and encourage you to browse our online catalogue at this time.
If you have any further questions, or suggestions for improvements to our system, please feel free to drop us an e-mail us and let us know your thoughts. We'd love to hear from you!
Thank you for your patronage, we look forward to continuing to serve you.
Write us at:
[email protected]